- | Wandelhalle |
- | Sitzungssaal | German
Chair: Elisabeth Breitenstein (Stadt Leipzig/Referat DIgital Stadt)
- Wolfram Günther (Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Energie, Klimaschutz, Umwelt und Landwirtschaft): Welcoming address
- Dr. Ingo Simonis (OGC): Data spaces for a joint development of climate-adapted cities
- Matthias Zeller (METROSCOPE): Big Data, Digital Twins and Artificial Intelligence in Energy Generation - A Contribution to Sustainable Urban Development?"
Welcoming address
- | Sitzungssaal | German
Wolfram Günther (Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Energie, Klimaschutz, Umwelt und Landwirtschaft)
- | Sitzungssaal | German
Data spaces for a joint development of climate-adapted cities

Dr. Ingo Simonis (OGC)
Dr. Ingo Simonis, Chief Technology Innovation Officer, leads the the development and execution of the OGC-wide technology and innovation strategy that will achieve objectives in the short, medium and long-term while enabling sustainable growth of OGC’s impact in society and markets. As OGC’s CTIO, Ingo is responsible for driving innovation through R&D and leveraging emerging technologies to bring the newest innovations to the organization, its members, and clients globally. Dr. Ingo Simonis is the head of the OGC Collaborative Solutions and Innovation Program and responsible for planning, managing and execution of OGC’s R&D initiatives. With his outstanding background in enterprise system design and developmenet of standards-based software architectures for large scale distributed systems, he supports member organizations in their adoption process of state-of-the-art open, distributed, standards-based enterprise architectures.
- | Sitzungssaal | German
Big Data, Digital Twins and Artificial Intelligence in Energy Generation - A Contribution to Sustainable Urban Development?"

Matthias Zeller (METROSCOPE)
Matthias Zeller hat Politische Wissenschaften und Verwaltungswissenschaften an der Universität Potsdam und an der Hertie School of Governance in Berlin studiert und war bis 2017 als Büroleiter und Referent im Deutschen Bundestag tätig. Nach seinem Wechsel in die Privatwirtschaft verantwortete er zunächst die Geschäftsentwicklung für verschiedene Start-ups im Softwarebereich und Energiesektor, während er seit 2022 für das französische Unternehmen Metroscope als Senior Business Developer tätig ist. Dort leitet er für das Tochterunternehmen der EDF Group die Markterschließung in Europa und Afrika. Metroscope bietet digitale Lösungen für die Diagnostik von Kraftwerken und Industrieanlagen an und setzt dabei auf die Analyse von Big Data mittels digitaler Zwillinge und künstlicher Intelligenz.“
Coffee break
- | Wandelhalle |
Panel discussion
- | Sitzungssaal | German
Mirko Mühlpfort
(Stadt Leipzig/Referat DIgital Stadt)
Strategies for climate-resilient urban planning
- Dr. Beate Ginzel (Stadt Leipzig/Referat DIgital Stadt), Dr. Brigitta Ziegenbein (Stadt Leipzig/Stadtplanungsamt), Christoph Friedrich (LVV Leipziger Versorgungs- und Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH), Hendrik Kondziella (Leipzig University), Matthias Zeller (METROSCOPE) and Simone Pflaum (Stadt Leipzig/Referat Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Klimaschutz):
- | Sitzungssaal |
Dr. Beate Ginzel (Stadt Leipzig/Referat DIgital Stadt), Dr. Brigitta Ziegenbein (Stadt Leipzig/Stadtplanungsamt), Christoph Friedrich (LVV Leipziger Versorgungs- und Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH), Hendrik Kondziella (Leipzig University), Matthias Zeller (METROSCOPE) and Simone Pflaum (Stadt Leipzig/Referat Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Klimaschutz)
Lunch break
- | Wandelhalle |
Posters and Stands
Data sourcing for climate monitoring in cities
- | Sitzungssaal | German
Mathias Boedecker
(City of Leipzig/Geodata infrastructure)
Sensor and Remote Sensing: Ways of data acquisition and application development as a basis for urban climate monitoring.
- Franziska Löffler (Stadt Leipzig/Amt für Stadtgrün und Gewässer): UrbanGreenEye - Satellite-based vegetation and land monitoring for climate adaptation.
- Jasmin Batke (City of Paderborn): Satellite data as a climate monitoring opportunity- An analysis tool as part of a digital twin.
- Stefan Hartleib (KUNBUS): How a pop-up platform brings experts and developers together to create innovative solutions
UrbanGreenEye - Satellite-based vegetation and land monitoring for climate adaptation.
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Franziska Löffler (Stadt Leipzig/Amt für Stadtgrün und Gewässer)
Satellite data as a climate monitoring opportunity- An analysis tool as part of a digital twin.
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Jasmin Batke (City of Paderborn)
How a pop-up platform brings experts and developers together to create innovative solutions
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Stefan Hartleib (KUNBUS)
Coffee break
- | Wandelhalle |
Posters and Stands
Paths to carbon neutral cities
- | Sitzungssaal | German
Julia Schließauf
(Stadt Leipzig/Referat DIgital Stadt)
Measure development and evaluation for the CO2-neutral city of the future
- Oguzhan Yayla (Lucidminds AI) and Sebastian Klemm (Dark Matter Labs): Green Urban Scenarios Framework & Toolset to support climate resilience of Cities
- Andrea Hensel (Department of Culture, City of Leipzig) and Falk Wittmann (GICON): CO2 calculator for the cultural sector
- Dr. Tilman Hartwig (Federal Environmental Agency): AI at the Umweltbundesamt - Environmental and Sustainability Applications for Tomorrow's Environmental Monitoring
Session Data competence
- | Ratsplenarsaal | German
Julia Friedrich
(Institute for Applied Informatics)
Social data literacy should not be left to chance. Data literacy must already be a basic building block in education today.
- Dilyana Bossenz (Datenkompetenz-Online): Data literacy: why now is the time to learn it
- Sarah Neuschl (West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau) and Wibke Kusturica (West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau): The simul+ real lab Datalab.Westsax - case studies on data-based value creation
- Rebekka Gersbach (Institute for Applied Informatics): Open Data and then? Data competence in urban development
Coffee break
- | Wandelhalle |
Posters and Stands
Urban digital twins: theory and practice
- | Sitzungssaal | German
Irene Müller
(Stadt Leipzig/Referat DIgital Stadt)
Data sources, data spaces, simulations and visualizations for Urban Digital Twins.
- Martin Mader (Comsysto Reply): Enabling E-Mobility - Providing charging station information for drivers in the EU
- Malte Schwanebeck (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel) and Simon Radtke (Smarte KielRegion GmbH): Urban Building Energy Modeling (UBEM): data for municipal heat planning in the city of Kiel
- Julia Schließauf (Stadt Leipzig/Referat DIgital Stadt): Energy Atlas Leipzig: Consolidating, Visualizing and Sharing Renewable Energy Data